FH Stralsund - Leisure and Tourism  Management
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt: Leisure and Tourism Sociology


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 Topics and Theories - A Tour d'horizon


Four basic kinds of social behaviour (Max Weber)

Affectual or emotional


 Behaviour of people / customers / tourists is informed in different degrees by the four forms.









Four groups of theories

Sociological theories can be grouped in vier categories:



Positivistic, mimicing natural sciences theory models
 (f.i. Rational Choice Theory)


Critical, confronting ideal and (supposed) real situation
(f.i. (neo-)marxist theory)


Phenomenologic, trying to describe reality as closely as possible
(f.i. typologies, Goffman)


Postmodernistic, merging object and description
(f.i. Baudrillard, MacCannell, Urry)














Goffman - Frontstage and Backstage

Erving Goffman started in the 1960s to develop the theory of symbolic interactionism, using the metaphor of "frontstage" and "backstage" to explain how we present ourselves within interactions.

This picture can be used in tourism:

blue17_next.gif "Front- and Backstages" exist in touristic establishments (f.i. restaurant guestroom - kitchen)








Marion Thiem developed this idea further, identifying four cultures:

- Source region "everyday" culture

- "Holiday culture" of source region inhabitants

- "Service culture" of host region

- "Everyday culture" of host region



Everyday culture source region

Holiday culture


Service culture

Everyday culture host region


http://www.bpb.de/publikationen/ search: Thiem

Die Kultur der Quellregion umfasst das, was für die Einwohner einer touristischen Entsenderegion typisch ist.

Die Ferienkultur ist das, was für die Gesamtheit der direkt vom Tourismus Betroffenen aus einer Entsenderegion typisch ist. Sie umfasst u. a. den Lebensstil, den Touristen auf Reisen pflegen, sowie Reiseveranstalter, Reisebüros, touristische Werbung usw.

Die Dienstleistungskultur stellt das dar, was für die vom Tourismus Betroffenen einer bestimmten Empfangsregion (in ihrer Eigenschaft als Wirtschafts- und Erholungsraum) typisch ist; sie umfasst den Lebensstil, den Einheimische in ihrer Rolle als Gastgeber praktizieren, sowie die in einer Region geschaffenen Einrichtungen für den Tourismus.

Die Kultur der Zielregion ist das, was für alle Bewohner einer touristischen Empfangsregion (in ihrer Eigenschaft als Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum) typisch ist.  (Thiem 2001)





blue17_next.gif Clearly theme parks, Disneyland etc. represent a "frontstage", sometimes even a ersatz "backstage"


blue17_next.gif Also complete tourist destinations and countries are organized with this distinction, disregard to it can create problems and risks (nosy tourists entering houses, locals breaking into western body border zones etc.) henomenologic, trying to describe reality as closely as possible (f.i. typologies, Goffman)


 blue17_next.gif Rituals and "Frames of behavoir" are helping to minimize such risks and give security of action and expectations, including "rites de passage".





One could say, Goffman is showing the "backstage" of tourism, where "Rational Choice" shows the "frontstage"



 Contact: wolfgang.arlt@fh-stralsund.de, Office: Hs. 1 / Rm. 132,  Tel. (03831) 45 6961 (FHS), (0179) 705 24 51 (mobile)
 Consultation hour: Monday 14.00 - 15.30 h
