Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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ITM Bachelor 1. Sem
8029: Introduction International Tourism Management




Destinations - Spatial and Space-ial, Temporal and Virtual



 Tourism changes places into destinations:

 Land --> Landscape

 Nature --> recreational area

 City --> Cityscape



Nature --> Recreational Area


Example: Forest Stroll


The idea of "rambling", a nature walk which lasts half a day or so through some forest on Sunday afternoon, seems natural to us.

In fact it was invented by M. C.F. Denecourt in Fontainebleau near Paris in the 1830s.

With the help of arrows in blue paint he provided promenades solitaires in the royal forest which before seemed inhospitable and impenetrable to urban visitors.

At suitable distances "sights" were placed, brochures describing the walks and special pamphlets for painter were provided and - of course - an outdoor restaurant.

The balance between order and adventure meant that this pastime for urbanites spread rapidly in Europe, helped by the railway and later the automobile, to transform the land around cities into landscapes for "Naherholung".


Example: Piers - going into the ocean without getting wet feet.

Brighton Pier - arcades, weddings and corporate functions on the sea.htm











  Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Bachelor and Master Program International Tourism Management, Office 2.018, Tel. 0481 8555-513
Consultation hours (during lecture period): Monday 16.00 - 17.00 h
