Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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ITM Bachelor 5. Sem.
Food & Beverages as Tourist Attractions - Example Craft Beers in Northern Germany



Tu 14.00-17.15 h S 15

4 SWS Course



Prüfungsleistung: Presentation and Assignment Paper (12 pages)


MIKKELLER 10 20 30




Let's start with - Wikipedia:






Croce & Perri: Food and Wine Tourism, 2nd Edition. CABI 2017





Food Tourism historical development:

Food as local attraction

"Vom Essen und Trinken hierzuland hab' ich noch nichts gesagt, und doch ist es kein kleiner Artikel. Die Gartenfrüchte sind herrlich, besonders der Salat von Zartheit und Geschmack wie eine Milch; man begreift, warum ihn die Alten Lactuca genannt haben. Das Öl, der Wein alles sehr gut, und sie könnten noch besser sein, wenn man auf ihre Bereitung mehr Sorgfalt verwendete. Fische die besten, zartesten. Auch haben wir diese Zeit her sehr gut Rindfleisch gehabt, ob man es gleich sonst nicht loben will." Goethe, Italienische Reise


-> Glocalized food




-> Food as local attraction




Tourism postmodern development:

Sightseeing -> Experience -> Emotion








Food Tourism - Gastronomy Tourism - Culinary Tourism


Stephen Boyd: The Past and Present of Food Tourism, in: Yeoman, McMahon-Beattie 2015, p. 11-23



Culinary tourism has been defined as “the pursuit of unique and memorable eating and drinking experiences.”

By combining travel with these edible experiences, culinary tourism offers both locals and tourists alike an authentic taste of place.

Culinary tourism has emerged as a central facet to any tourist experience. It encompasses cultural practices, the landscape, the sea, local history, values and cultural heritage. Food serves to connect us with the land, our heritage and the people around us. It is a diverse and dynamic channel for sharing stories, forming relationships and building communities. By combining travel with these edible experiences, food tourism offers both locals and tourists alike an authentic “taste of place”.

SOURCE: UNWTO Second Report on Gastronomy Tourism


Culinary Tourism


Gastronomy_Report UNWTO













  Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Bachelor and Master Program International Tourism Management, Tel. 0481 8555-513
