Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC,

Travel & Tourism is one of the world’s largest employers. The sector directly employs over 100 million individuals and supports 1 in 11 of all jobs in the world. And over the course of coming decade, we expect Travel & Tourism to provide a total of 74.5 million new jobs, 23.2 million of which will be provided directly within the sector.

The continued growth of Travel & Tourism around the world depends on the right people with the right skills being available to meet this demand for additional human capital.

Several studies and reports are increasing the understanding of the current status of employment in Travel & Tourism and the human capital trends that are expected into the future.

Global Talent Trends and Issues for the Travel & Tourism Sector
(2015) quantifies the scale of future talent challenges in Travel & Tourism.  It highlights the economic impact that the challenge could have on the global economy, the scale of the problem across 46 countries and assesses how well the countries are placed to address the challenges they face.

Gender Equality and Youth Employment in Travel & Tourism (2013) shows that Travel & Tourism employs a higher proportion of women and young people than is represented in the workforce as a whole. The sector offers women prospects for self-employment which are less accessible in other sectors and holds real opportunities for job creation to address the youth unemployment problems faced by countries across the world. These realities of high proportions of women and youth in the sector are forecast to remain the case for the next ten years.

Undergraduate Perceptions (2013) finds that Travel & Tourism is viewed as a reasonably attractive industry for university undergraduates but one that is still poorly understood. Scarce information and misconceptions exist about the skills required for graduates as well as the roles, career development and working. The research shows that there is a clear lack of information, misjudgement and preconception about what a graduate career in Travel & Tourism would offer.

Travel & Tourism appeals most for offering international opportunities, work life balance and the chance to speak languages, however, these are generally less important factors when choosing a job compared to job security, competitive starting salary and career progression. Travel & Tourism compares poorly on these decisive factors in career choice.

Most students are only able to identify very broad job roles (‘travel’, ‘guide’, ‘management’, for example) while only a career pathway in ‘sales & marketing’ is believed by all respondents to offer ‘many opportunities’.



On Global Tourism Talents 2015






Travel & Tourism generated more than US$37 billion in GDP in Australia (2.4% of GDP) in 2013 placing it 15th among major industries.  In terms of jobs, however, Travel & Tourism contributed more than 505,000 of the 11.6 million jobs (4.3%) in 2013, ranking 8th among major industries.

Travel & Tourism directly contributed US$55 billion in GDP for Germany in 2013, or 1.6% of Germany’s total GDP, placing it 18th among major industries.  There were nearly 42 million jobs in the country in 2013 and Travel & Tourism generated nearly 725,000 of them (1.7% of total), placing the industry 21st among major industries.

In South Korea, Travel & Tourism generated US$24 billion in GDP in South Korea in 2013 ranking it 17th among major industries and 2.1% of total GDP.  The industry generated 616,000 of the nearly 25 million jobs in the country in 2013 (2.1% of total), placing it 14th among major industries.

The industry generated US$60 billion in GDP in the United Kingdom in 2013, 2.4% of total GDP and 17th among major industries.  More than 1 million of the nearly 32 million jobs or 3.2% of the United Kingdom’s total employment base are in Travel & Tourism, placing it 8th among major industries.

In 2013, Travel & Tourism generated US$448 billion in GDP in the USA, 2.8% of the country’s total GDP in 2013 and 9th among major industries. More than 5.6 million of the 144 million jobs in the country in 2013 were in Travel & Tourism, ranking it 7th among major industries and supporting 3.9% of the USA’s total employment base.


Germany Report pdf


 Germany Report 2015 pdf










